Living Station

Week 10


Living Station Inspiration

Eco Literacy

TLTL event 2020 – Eco Literacy from WDKA on Vimeo. [/embed]

November 16, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

>>Critical Zones<< Discussion of the film •Story Telling for Earth Survival• ZKM||| Karlshure

    >>Critical ZOnes<< Discussion of the film: Story Telling for Earth Survival ZKM||| Karlshure, June 2020   With: Donna…

September 28, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Christina Agapakis: What Happens When Biology Becomes Technology?

In her art and scientific work, Christina Agapakis blurs the boundaries between nature and technology to practice a new kind…

August 26, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Andrew Pelling: This scientist makes ears out of apples

  TED Fellow Andrew Pelling is a biohacker, and nature is his hardware. His favorite materials are the simplest ones…

May 11, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Ellen Jorgensen – What you need to know about CRISPR

Ellen Jorgensen is at the leading edge of the do-it-yourself biotechnology movement, bringing scientific exploration and understanding to the public.…

May 11, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Ellen Jorgensen – Biohacking, you can do it too

Ellen Jorgensen is at the leading edge of the do-it-yourself biotechnology movement, bringing scientific exploration and understanding to the public.…

May 11, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Louise Fresco [Wageningen University] – We need to feed the whole World

A powerful thinker and globe-trotting advisor on sustainability, Louise Fresco says it’s time to think of food as a topic…

May 11, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Koert van Mensvoort – Meat the Future

As the planet’s population speeds towards 9 billion, it becomes impossible to continue consuming meat like we do today. Some…

May 11, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Suzanne Lee – Grow Your Own Clothes

    Designer Suzanne Lee shares her experiments in growing a kombucha-based material that can be used like fabric or…

May 11, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Suzanne Simard – How trees talk to each other

    A forest is much more than what you see,” says ecologist Suzanne Simard. Her 30 years of research…

May 11, 2020