
Creating biomaterials is an innovative and sustainable approach that holds immense potential for addressing environmental challenges and revolutionizing various industries. By utilizing biological resources and processes, designers and researchers are developing materials that are renewable, biodegradable, and have a lower ecological footprint.

Biomaterials encompass a wide range of substances derived from renewable sources such as plants, algae, bacteria, and even waste materials. These materials offer exciting possibilities in fields like packaging, construction, textiles, medicine, and more. They present an alternative to conventional materials, which often contribute to pollution and resource depletion.

One area where biomaterials shine is in packaging. Traditional single-use plastics have become a major environmental concern, polluting our oceans and landfills. Bio-based alternatives, such as bioplastics made from plant starches or bacterial cellulose, offer a more sustainable choice. These materials are designed to break down naturally, reducing the impact on our ecosystems.

In construction, biomaterials are revolutionizing the way we build. Researchers are exploring the use of materials like mycelium (the root structure of mushrooms) as a sustainable alternative to traditional building materials. Mycelium can be grown into various shapes and sizes, making it ideal for creating biodegradable packaging, insulation, and even structural components.

The textile industry is also embracing biomaterials. Fibers made from renewable sources like bamboo, hemp, or pineapple waste offer an eco-friendly alternative to conventional fabrics. These materials are not only biodegradable but also require fewer resources and chemicals during production.

In medicine, biomaterials play a crucial role in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Scientists are developing bioengineered scaffolds and implants that can promote tissue regeneration and integration within the body. Materials like collagen, chitosan, and alginate are being used to create biocompatible structures that can assist in wound healing and organ repair.

The field of biomaterials is a fascinating intersection of science, sustainability, and innovation. By harnessing the power of nature, we can create materials that align with the principles of the circular economy, minimize waste, and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. As research and technology continue to advance, biomaterials hold the promise of shaping a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.



Material District:

Loes Bogers,

Lab Pastoe:



Electives – Biomaterials for Designers

This week of Electives with the Living Station will explore biomaterials as a sustainable solution. Creating biomaterials is an innovative and sustainable approach that holds immense potential for addressing environmental challenges and revolutionizing various industries. By utilizing biological resources and processes, designers and researchers are developing materials that are renewable, biodegradable, and have a lower ecological footprint.

Future designers will think about the whole lifecycle of the materials and how they impact the natural world.

The Kick-off will give the main information and the students will discuss a particular material that they brought to introduce a personal relation to the choices to make when creating.


Lecture: the non-human

Kas Houtwijk gave a new perspective on the invisible but so present world of microorganisms.



Speculative prototypes were realized after experimenting with some basic recipes.



Bikeisko: a Kaleidoscope for happiness with biomaterials and microbes



Ecofriendly tobacco-packaging


Throat clamp: a reflection around our fragilities (animal cruelty and environment threat)

Elective biomaterials

This year began with the Electives for 2 weeks and we gave the first edition for BIOMATERIALS with Kas Houthuijs, Karin Vlug (docent), Sandrine D’Haene and Anne Vlaanderen (digital lab).
Students were introduced in the first week to a wide range of biomaterials through experimentation and hands-on.
  • The biomaterials created were exposed at WdKA during the “RESEARCH FESTIVAL MAKING (IN) THE UNFORESEEN” with the wall of biomaterials.


  • The second week was centered on research to define a speculative application for a biomaterial.






Biomaterials recipes:

  • An 3D object made of mycelium: a light, fireproof and biodegradable material

  • Bio-coloring: Bacterial dyes can be an alternative to toxic textile dyes

  • Crystals from sugar and alum

Exhibition 25-26th of January research festival “MAKING (IN) THE UNFORESEEN”

Our Biomaterials Wall was shown in a beautiful sample collection. It was for the Living Station an opportunity to showcase what the Living Lab is offering and researching.


We have been collaborating for the Elective with different workplaces: digital lab (3D printing, laser cutting), ceramic, wood and fabric station.

Wood waste to grow mycelium Laser engraved biomaterials