Living Station

Week 36


Archive / News & Events

Electives – Biomaterials for Designers

This week of Electives with the Living Station will explore biomaterials as a sustainable solution. Creating biomaterials is an innovative…

Archive / News & Events

Miso workshop by Erika Hirose

Erika Hirose shared with the Living station and the lucky WdKA students from P1 her precious knowledge about Miso. Students…

Archive / News & Events

Elective biomaterials

This year began with the Electives for 2 weeks and we gave the first edition for BIOMATERIALS with Kas Houthuijs,…

Archive / Living Station Inspiration


Artists and designers shine new perspectives on utilizing and getting inspired by microorganisms, as tiny factories that operate as building…

Archive / Learn from the Living Library

About Living Stations

What are the Living Stations? The Living Stations is the research platform connected to the stations within the Willem de…

Archive / Living Station Inspiration

Bio Art and Design

Recently discovered first rock paintings were executed at least 40.000 years ago. They were found in a forest cave in…

Archive / Living Station Inspiration

Purpose of this website

“In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have…