Living Station

Week 11
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Explorative Actions – Embodied Research 

Making Leaf Mould  

Workshops for 3 different groups on November 6th, 7th and 13th  from 9.00-10.30 am
By collecting leaf litter, we investigate the difference between leaf litter, composted leaves and GFT (Vegetables, Fruit & Garden waste) compost. What is the effect of the environment on the material, what can you use it for and how and in what can we compost the leaf litter on our rooftop garden? At the same time, we investigate our environment and human behaviour. We meet outside Blaak 10 

On Wednesday 15th November from 5.30-7  all three groups will meet in our Research Station for a joint inventory of observations and collected material and to start with selecting and editing,  and the presentation of sketches (maquettes) of containers for the leaf litter. We meet in WH 0.301 

Tutors: Wilma Knol & Sandrine D’Haene 



  1. Arnold, Catherine. Healthy soils are live-giving black gold. ScienceNewsExplores, Febr 25 2021; 
  1. Don, Monty. How to make leaf mould. ; BBC, 22 July 2019 “00:01:28 
  1. Bladeren uit Rotterdamse straten worden booster voor het bodemleven. Open Rotterdam, 30 nov. 2021 
  1. Anne Geene, fine artists & photographer, made a book:  Geene, Anne. No. 235 : Encyclopaedia of an Allotment. De HEF, 2014.  This was her graduation project in 2010 at Academie St. Joost Breda 
  1. Crowther, Thomas. The global movement to restore nature’s biodiversity. Youtube “00:11:36 

#Rotterdam#leaf mould#leaf litter #environment#sensory explorations#human behavior#urban nature#exploring #observing&documenting #collecting #filing #editing