Living Station

Week 11
  • News & Events

Autumn Equinox

The first Rooftop Garden event took place on the day of the Autumn Equinox, the 22nd of September. Next to celebrating the second Harvest Period, the event marked the opening of the Rooftop on the Blaak building, a space that will be transformed into a garden and host a student-led program over the course of the coming year. After a short introduction by the SPIN collective, the artist and choreographer Lotte van Gelder held a movement workshop that invited participants to lean into parts of the architecture or into each other. While experimenting with the movements, these interactions enabled and explored the notion of supporting and being supported. Afterwards, members of SPIN distributed pieces of paper that invited those present to reflect on the past year’s ‘harvest’. Spinach soup, bread and homemade water infused with herbs were prepared for dinner. The event ended with three concerts: Viana experimented with her voice and a loop station; she later invited the audience to join in to create a collective, experimental song. Seré performed her poetic lyrics with vocals and guitar, and OG Wang played electronic music that made everybody dance until the building closed.