Living Station

Week 06


Living Station Inspiration

Biomimicry for Designers – Veronika Kapsali

Summary This timely overview is the perfect introduction for designers of all disciplines, and a reminder that inspiration may be…

April 20, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Bio Design – William Myers

William Myers is a curator, author, and teacher based in Amsterdam. His book Biodesign (2018) identifies the emerging practice of integrating biological processes into design and architecture. It…

April 20, 2020
Living Station Inspiration


Humberto Maturana is a neurobiologist and philosopher. Metadesign text here

April 20, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Bio Art – William Myers

William Myers is a curator, author, and teacher based in Amsterdam. His book Biodesign (2018) identifies the emerging practice of integrating biological processes into design and architecture. It…

April 3, 2020