Living Station

Week 36


Living Station Inspiration

Inhabiting the Anthroposcene, Stream 03

Inhabiting the Anthroposcene Stream 03   This issue is focused on the rapid urbanization and globalization of the planet. Demographic…

May 8, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Experimental Design for Biologists, David J. Glass

Experimental Design for Biologists David J. Glass   The effective design and analysis of experiments in biology are critical to…

May 8, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Wildlife in the Anthropocene – Conservation After Nature, Jamie Lorimer

Wildlife in the Anthropocene – Conservation After Nature, 2015 Jamie Lorimer   Considers the effects of the Anthropocene era on…

May 8, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Are We Human? notes on an archeology of design, Beatriz Colomina & Mark Wigley

Are We Human? Notes on an Archeology of Design Beatriz Colomina & Mark Wigley   The question Are We Human?…

May 8, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

The Action Plant, Paul Simons

The Action Plant Paul Simons The Action Plant is a radical new way of looking at plants as sensitive moving…

May 8, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

The Marvelous Clouds – Towards a Philosophy of Elemental Media

The Marvelous Clouds – Towards a Philosophy of Elemental Media John Durham Peters University of Chicago Press, 19 jun. 2015…

May 8, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Nature’s Patterns: Exploring Her Tangled Web, Bill Graham

Nature’s Patterns: Exploring Her Tangled Web, Bill Graham   This book asks you to think about Nature’s patterns as networks…

May 8, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

The Chemarts Cookbook – Aalto University (with DIY recipes!)

How can we make flexible and transparent wood-based materials? What kinds of materials can we derive from trees, while still…

May 5, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Corporeal Mélange: Aesthetics and Ethics of Biomaterials in Stelarc and Nina Sellars’s Blender

Corporeal Mélange: Aesthetics and Ethics of Biomaterials in Stelarc and Nina Sellars’s Blender by Julie Clarke In this article I…

April 30, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Design and biotechnology:an exploration of the possibilities of objectifying living organisms. Oron Catts

Design and Biotechnology: an Exploration of the Possibilities of Objectifying Living Organisms. by Oron Catts     The Journal of…

April 30, 2020