Leest, E. van der

Tips for Collaborations: Getting Started in the field of Bio Art & Design
Working with scientists, biologists and bioengineers poses a difficult but rewarding challenge when you are a designer or design student exploring biodesign.…

Purpose of this website
“In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have…

Make A Topsy Turvey Planter From A Plastic Soda Bottle!
Today’s guest post is brought to you by Amida who writes at the wonderful blog, Journey Into Unschooling. Here she…

Makers of Waag [society]
The ‘Makers Guild’ is a maker space at Waag that connects craftsmanship, digital personal fabrication and biotechnology. The Makers Guild…

Biofabricate Platform – Material Innovator Series
BIOFABRICATE is a platform for biomaterial innovators and consumer brands growing a sustainable future. Bloom Foam – Algix BIOFABRICATE:…

Biofabricate Platform – Creatives in Biotech Series
If you are a designer hoping for a career in biofabrication this is for you! Over the next few weeks…

Make a DNA Cocktail from strawberries
DNA. It’s what encodes the genetic material of every living thing. And it also makes a yummy cocktail. This video,…

Andrew Pelling: This scientist makes ears out of apples
TED Fellow Andrew Pelling is a biohacker, and nature is his hardware. His favorite materials are the simplest ones…