Living Station

Week 10

Leest, E. van der

Learn from the Living Library

[NL] Worm hotel – the smallest hotelchain!

🌱 Composteren kun je leren! Met een wormenbak in je tuin, dak- of balkontuintje doe je dat namelijk gewoon lekker…

Leest, E. van der
October 17, 2022
News & Events

Rooftop Garden: the start of a seed

The rooftop of WdKA is located at the Blaak building site. The first ideas to start a rooftop garden came…

Leest, E. van der
June 14, 2021
Living Station Inspiration

How to Biodesign Podcast audio recaps

With the meetup series How to Biodesign, BlueCity Lab provides a platform for and by bioneers (pioneers in biodesign). Broadcasted live…

Leest, E. van der
April 19, 2021
Living Station Inspiration

BlueCity – Circular Hub

Former swimming paradise Tropicana has developed as a place where all kinds of initiatives in the field of the circular…

Leest, E. van der
April 12, 2021
Living Station Inspiration

Podcast – exploring biodiversity in and around the academy

Part of our bioresearch is to investigate the knowledge in New Making Practices within the WdKA. Therefore we made a…

Leest, E. van der
April 7, 2021
Archive / Living Station Inspiration


Artists and designers shine new perspectives on utilizing and getting inspired by microorganisms, as tiny factories that operate as building…

Leest, E. van der
April 7, 2021
Living Station Inspiration


Energy is everywhere and is in everything! We, humans, and all the other organisms, use energy to carry out complex…

Leest, E. van der
April 7, 2021
Archive / Learn from the Living Library

About Living Stations

What are the Living Stations? The Living Stations is the research platform connected to the stations within the Willem de…

Leest, E. van der
April 7, 2021
Living Station Inspiration

Eco Literacy

TLTL event 2020 – Eco Literacy from WDKA on Vimeo. [/embed]

Leest, E. van der
November 16, 2020
Living Station Inspiration

Christina Agapakis: What Happens When Biology Becomes Technology?

In her art and scientific work, Christina Agapakis blurs the boundaries between nature and technology to practice a new kind…

Leest, E. van der
August 26, 2020