Living Station

Week 38

Sandrine D'Haene

Archive / Living Station Inspiration

Projects with the Living Station Lab

Our new facilities the Living Station Lab at WdKA is running since October 2022 and hosted already some nice projects.…

Sandrine D'Haene
July 11, 2023
Archive / Living Station Inspiration


Creating biomaterials is an innovative and sustainable approach that holds immense potential for addressing environmental challenges and revolutionizing various industries.…

Sandrine D'Haene
July 11, 2023
Archive / News & Events

Electives – Biomaterials for Designers

This week of Electives with the Living Station will explore biomaterials as a sustainable solution. Creating biomaterials is an innovative…

Sandrine D'Haene
July 7, 2023
News & Events

Plant Swap

Plant Swap Event on the rooftop garden of the WdKA on May 31 at 3.30 pm. We want to celebrate spring, exchange ideas about…

Sandrine D'Haene
May 26, 2023
Living Station Inspiration

Free e-book “Emerging Bioart & Biodesign”

Celebrating the last 10 years of the Bio Art & Design Awards! Get your copy HERE:

Sandrine D'Haene
May 9, 2023
News & Events

Rooftop gardening

Spring has arrived! Nature is waking up and plants start to grow and get green. Every Wednesday morning from 9am…

Sandrine D'Haene
April 26, 2023
News & Events

Station skills sessions EVERY WEEK

Every week check My WdKA for station skills in the LAB “WELCOME TO THE NEW LIVING STATION LAB!” Introduction to…

Sandrine D'Haene
April 5, 2023
Green Team

Ivan Henriques

Ivan Henriques works at WDKA since 2016. Henriques is an artist, researcher and tutor at the Digital Craft course and…

Sandrine D'Haene
April 3, 2023
Archive / News & Events

Miso workshop by Erika Hirose

Erika Hirose shared with the Living station and the lucky WdKA students from P1 her precious knowledge about Miso. Students…

Sandrine D'Haene
March 8, 2023
Archive / News & Events

Elective biomaterials

This year began with the Electives for 2 weeks and we gave the first edition for BIOMATERIALS with Kas Houthuijs,…

Sandrine D'Haene
February 20, 2023