Living Station

Week 08
  • Living Station Inspiration

Nature’s Patterns: Exploring Her Tangled Web, Bill Graham

Nature’s Patterns: Exploring Her Tangled Web, Bill Graham


This book asks you to think about Nature’s patterns as networks of highly connected energy transportation and transformation systems that operate according to six organizing principles. These principles become both constraints and opportunities for you to act as a steward of Nature by identifying, studying, and preserving her energy networks. In the language of the naturalist and through examples, case studies, and a basic analytic toolkit, the book employs the principles of modern system science to provide you with conservation ideas for preserving Nature’s interconnected ecosystems.Interested readers will include students, educators, government conservation workers, thinkers, and all of those who wish to acquire a deeper understanding of how Nature’s ecosystems work. The material in this book has been used to teach a “Patterns In Nature” course to advanced junior and senior high school students. In addition, the material on Nature’s energy networks has been used in college level courses.Whether you be a teacher, a park ranger, a docent, a tour guide, the book’s consistent theme that “everything in Nature is connected” can be passed on to both youth and adults who receive your message.


Purchase the book here